Kick-off meeting — STIC AMSUD EPAA Project

The Kick-off meeting of the EPAA project will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from October 21 to 25, 2024

Organisers: Eda Cesaratto, Pablo Rotondo

Confirmed participants: Verónica Becher, Eduardo Canale, Paulina Cecchi, Eda Cesaratto, Mostafa Gholami, Loïck Lhote, Frédéric Paccaut, Claudio Qureshi, Alfredo Viola

Program: TBA

Virtual Meeting – STIC AMSUD EPAA Project

The first online meeting of the new STIC AMSUD EPAA project will be held on May 29 and 30, 2024. Here is the program:

Wednesday 29 May

  • 8:30 (chi) / 9:30 (arg/uy) / 14:30 (fr) : Opening
  • 8:35 (chi) / 9:35 (arg/uy) / 14:35 (fr) : Eduardo Canale  (UdelaR, Uruguay) — Superfluous edges on the underlying graph of a digraph
  • 9:05 (chi) / 10:05 (arg/uy) / 15:05 (fr) : Mostafa Gholami (Unicaen, France) — On the average complexity of berge algorithm
  • 9:35 (chi) / 10:35 (arg/uy) / 15:35 (fr) : pause / conviviality
  • 9:45 (chi) / 10:45 (arg/uy) / 15:45 (fr) : Claudio Qureshi (Udelar, Uruguay) — On iteration of mappings over finite fieldsvideo
  • 10:15 (chi) / 11:15 (arg/uy) / 16:15 (fr) : General meeting / discussion about the project

Thursday 30 May

  • 8:30 (chi) / 9:30 (arg/uy) / 14:30 (fr)  : Paulina Cecchi (U. de Chile) —  Factor complexity and dynamical propertiesvideo
  • 9:00 (chi) / 10:00 (arg/uy) / 15:00 (fr)  : Eda Cesaratto (UNGS, Argentina) — Poisson genericity in  numeration systems with exponentially mixing probabilitiesvideo
    Joint work with Nicolás Álvarez, Verónica Becher and Martín Mereb
  • 9:45 (chi) / 10:45 (arg/uy) / 15:45 (fr)  : Pablo Rotondo (LIGM, France) — Change of basis in bidimensional partitionsvideo
    Joint ongoing work with Valérie Berthé, Eda Cesaratto, Martín D. Safe
  • 10:15 (chi) / 11:15 (arg/uy) / 16:15 (fr)  : Brigitte Vallee (Unicaen, France) — Shannon weights for binary sources of zero entropy : instances of dynamical sourcesvideo
    Joint work with Ali Akhavi, Eda Cesaratto, Frédéric Paccaut, Pablo Rotondo

Virtual Meeting – STIC AMSUD RAPA2 Project/RAOFA-SINFIN

Organiser: Loïck Lhote

With the help of Eda Cesaratto and Pablo Rotondo

Tuesday, December 7th

  • 9h30-10h30 / 13h30-14h30 : Olivier Carton
    Group Normality. Slides
  • 11h30-12h / 15h30-16h : Valérie Berthé
    Dynamics of Ostrowski’s numeration: Limit laws and Hausdorff dimensions. Slides
  • 10h30-11h30 / 14h30-15h30 : Pablo Rotondo
    Lochs index. Slides
  • 12h00 / 16:00 : discussions about the project

Wednesday, December 8th

  • 9h30-10h30 / 13h30-14h30 : Veronica Becher
    Perfect necklaces
  • 10h30-11h15 /14h30-15h15 : Martin Safe
    Circularly compatible ones and proper circular-arc bigraphs. Slides
  • 11h15-12h00 / 15h15-16h00 : Matthieu Dien
    Scrabble : String Correlations Recurrences Analysis By Border’s Language Equations. Slides
  • 12h-12h30 / 16h-16h30 : Brigitte Vallée
    Possible directions for future works on probabilistic sources. Slides

RAPA2 Virtual meeting

We meet virtually on Thursday, December 10th and Friday, December 11th for the STIC AMSUD meeting. The meeting will take place in the morning for the South Americans and in the afternoon for the French.

The schedule of the presentations is in the attached file with some

Here is also the link to follow the conference:

Thursday, December 10th

  • 9:00am / 13:00 : Martin Pépin: Random sampler of DAGs.
    Joint work with Antoine Genitrini and Alfredo Viola
  • 9:50am / 13:50 : Julien David: Randomly generate random generators with fixed entropy
  • 10:40am / 14:40 : Matthieu Dien: Advances on border arrays
    Joint work with Pablo Rotondo, Julien Clément, Julien Courtiel
  • 11:30am / 15:30 : Antonio Cafure : On cyclotomic polynomials.
    Joint work with Eda Cesaratto

Friday, December 11th

  • 9:00am / 13:00 : Veronica Becher: Extending de Bruijn sequences to larger alphabets
    Joint work with  Lucas Cortes
  • 9:50am / 13:50 : Brigitte Vallée : Two arithmetical sources and their associated tries
    Joint work with Valérie Berthé, Frédéric Paccaut, Pablo Rotondo, Martín Safe and Brigitte Vallée.
  • 10:40am / 14:40 :  Pablo Rotondo: Change of basis for sources with null entropy (exact title?)
    Joint work with Valérie Berthé, Eda Cesaratto, Martín Safe.
  • 11:30am / 15:30 :  discussions about the project

Martín Safe visits the GREYC Lab at Caen

From February 23 to March 23, 2020, Martín Safe is visiting the GREYC Laboratory at Caen (France), and more particularly its AMACC team. He is invited on a “Chaire d’Excellence” inside the ALENOR Project, (a regional project between theuniversities of Caen, Rouen and Le Havre, Normandy).

The last week (16-22 March), he is invited at the CIRM (Centre international de Recherches Mathématiques, Marseille), for the Alea Journées of the GDR IM, and gives a talk on a joint work inside the SINFIN team (co-authored with Valérie Berthé, Eda Cesaratto, Frédéric Paccaut, Pablo Rotondo, Martin Safe, Brigitte Vallée)

RAPA2 Kick-off meeting

Colonia, Uruguay, from March 30 to April 4, 2020

Organisers: Loïck Lhote, Pablo Rotondo, Alfredo Viola (Tuba)

Confirmed participants: Eda Cesaratto, Loïck Lhote, Brigitte Vallée, Alfredo Viola (Tuba).